问题标签 [notarize]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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xcode10 - xcodebuild 对 mac 应用程序进行公证并等待响应?

我非常依赖xcodebuild自动化构建过程。开发人员现在可以在 Xcode 10 中在分发之前对他们的 mac Developer ID 应用程序进行公证。

我意识到公证是一个异步过程,其中涉及等待苹果“审查”和批准应用程序。在实践中,这似乎需要不到 5 到 10 分钟。

有没有人能够使用命令行自动执行此操作,这样我们就不必触摸或使用 Xcode Archiver Window?我找不到办法。似乎只有一个-exportNotarizedApp选项,大概只有在您已经将应用程序公证后才有效。无法使用命令行请求公证?

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xcode - 如何公证包含嵌入其中的帮助程序的应用程序包?

有谁知道如何发送包含嵌入式帮助应用程序包的 Mac 应用程序包以供 Apple 公证?当我尝试归档一个简单的应用程序时,一切都很顺利。该应用程序已正确存档,我可以上传存档文件,我的应用程序会在几分钟内得到公证。



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xcode - 如何在xcode中上传dmg文件进行公证


根据文档https://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/current/#/dev88332a81e 我必须打开应用程序 xcode 存档管理器。

我们有一个从我们的 jenkins 构建服务器生成的 dmg 文件。如何在 xcode 中打开 dmg 文件进行上传?


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java - Apple 公证将 dylib 文件列为未签名

我们使用捆绑的 JRE 1.8.0_172 分发 Java 应用程序。我使用标志 -f --deep 和 --options 运行时对应用程序进行签名。查看捆绑的 JRE 的 _CodeSignature 目录中的 CodeResources 文件,JRE 中的每个文件都经过签名和说明。

但是,在将包含应用程序的 DMG 提交给 Apple 进行公证后,我们的软件被拒绝。JRE 中的所有 60 个 DYLIB 文件都列为未签名。这是一个例子:

从 CodeResources 文件:


除了 dylib 文件,文件 jspawnhelper 也被拒绝为未签名。

最后,文件 libjli.dylib 被拒绝,原因如下:“二进制文件使用的 SDK 早于 10.9 SDK。”


January 14, 2020: The steps I used from this website http://www.zarkonnen.com/signing_notarizing_catalina do not work as of today. Apple changed their restrictions. I now have the same issues as I first asked about in this post.

February 21, 2020: It turned out the files listed as not signed were in fact not signed. I now use a shell script to recursively sign every file in our application. I follow that with overall signing of the bundled JRE, other internal apps, and lastly the entire app at the top level.

The remaining problem is Java 8 is not built with files that use the hardened runtime. Hopefully OpenJDK and/or AdoptOpenJDK will soon have new versions of Java 8 that satisfy Apple's hardened runtime requirements.

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gradle - 如何在 AppBundler 中构建具有强化运行时的 MacOS 应用程序

我在 gradle 中使用 AppBundler 插件来构建我的 Java 应用程序。现在要让我的应用程序经过公证,Apple 要求使用“强化运行时”选项构建应用程序。


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macos - 如何验证 macOS pkg 是否经过公证

如何验证 macOS 安装程序 pkg 文件是否已经过公证?是否有命令行工具来执行此操作?

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macos - ssh 公证失败:不允许用户交互

通过 ssh 连接并执行:



代码设计与临时钥匙串技巧一起使用:https ://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/255872 。


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xcode - macOS App notarisation stuck during upload

I have a simple, Swift based, macOS application, written & maintained in Xcode, that I now want to run through Apple's Developer-ID "notarisation" service for distribution. However, whenever I try to upload an archived build of the application, Xcode gets stuck at the "Uploading package to Apple Services..." step of the process.

This is where Xcode gets stuck for extended periods of time

My process is as follows:
- In Xcode "Build --> Archive"
- In Xcode's Organizer: Distribute App --> Developer ID --> Upload --> Automatic Code Signing - The issue now occurs during upload.

I have already tried notarising a simple sample-app with no code beyond what the standard Swift macOS project template includes and that app also gets stuck at this step. (So this should eliminate issues with the Code / binary of my project itself.)

I have also attempted to use xcrun altool to upload my binary to the notarisation service using the command: xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id "com.me.myapp" --username "myuser@memyselfandi" --password "mypasswd" --file myfile.zip.
The result here is similar: The command gives no output and hangs.

Every time I attempt an upload to Apple Services I also notice that a process called ascp is uploading rather large amounts of data, many multiples of the size of the archive I'm attempting to upload to Apple. I'm not 100% certain of how this might be related, but the process always appears when uploading through Organizer or the xcrun altool command.

I'm using Xcode 10.2.1 and macOS Mojave 10.14.4.

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xcode - 为什么我的 macOS 公证示例不起作用?

我为 macOS 公证过程签署并导出了我的测试应用程序。我可以使用验证票xcrun stapler validate

但是,打开应用程序仍会触发警告弹出窗口。有谁知道为什么?我正在使用最新的 macOS 10.14.4 (18E226)。


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macos - 我们是否需要对框架(.framework)、dylib 和二进制文件进行公证?

阅读有关公证的苹果文档,不清楚我们是否需要对二进制文件(例如启动守护程序)、框架或 dylib 进行公证。


苹果文档可以在这里找到Notarizing Your App Before Distribution