问题标签 [greenlock]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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sails.js - 让我们用 Sails.js 加密

有没有人能够用 Sails.js使用让我们加密节点模块( https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/greenlock-express.js )?一个小指针会很有帮助。

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node.js - greenlock-express 用于简单的 nodejs webapp

我正在尝试为我的 nodejs webapp 设置 HTTPS 加密。据我所知,greenlock-express(以前称为letsencrypt-express)是最简单的方法。



这是 index.js:


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timeout - 在 http-01 质询中获取测试文件时 Letsencrypt 超时

我不得不暂停我的开发几个月。我的 Letsencrypt 证书同时过期,并且库中有一些变化。我删除了我的 Letsencrypt 目录(里面有证书的那个)。我正在使用 greenlock-express API 现在,在获取证书时我无法通过 http-01 质询。我可以卷曲文件: http ://myserver.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/hRsScb0ZHcFyaroe73h2lnFcQfCTeDwFhVB8PtKHfYs

但是在运行我的应用程序时出现错误: le-sni-auto 中的错误:错误:CA 无法验证您提供的文件。



编辑 170912 - 配置详细信息

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javascript - 让我们加密自动续订(Nginx)出错

我正在尝试设置greenlock-express在 nginx 代理后面运行。

这是我的 nginx 配置

我在端口 3000 (http) 和端口 3001 (https) 上运行节点服务器。其他一切似乎都在工作,但证书不会更新并在 3 个月后过期。

如果我关闭 nginx 并在端口 80 (http) 和端口 443 (https) 上运行节点服务器,那么它会更新证书。

我确保将.well-known/acme-challenge其转发到节点服务器,即当我转到 url 时,http(s)://mydomain.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/randomstr我得到以下响应:

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node.js - LetsEncrypt 适用于 IP 但不适用于域(greenlock,express)

我正在使用以下服务器脚本来运行 http、https 服务器并将所有 http 请求重定向到 https。

当我从 IP 地址本地和远程访问服务器时,请求会重定向到 https,并且 api 会发出不安全的警告。

但是当我通过域访问相同的路由时,我得到了"Site cannot be Reached"错误。

虽然,访问http://example.com/test-route重定向到https://example.com/test-route,我仍然收到Site can't be reached错误。

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node.js - 如何对 let's encrypt 证书颁发执行回归测试?

我是一个网络托管服务提供商,他使用 Let's Encrypt 自动为我平台上的域所有者提供免费的 HTTPS 证书。


我怎样才能做到这一点 ?

我使用 Node/Express 和 greenlock 作为我的服务器软件。

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node.js - GreenLock (Let's Encrypt) using existing certbot store used by apache

I have a website that is served by Apache. I am using LetsEncrypt certificates that have been created by certbot using apache plugin. OS is Ubuntu. The site works fine.

Now I am running a NodeJS based API server that uses HTTPS. In order to test I have successfully used the certificates files as TLS option as following:

My understanding is that since these certificates have lifetime of 90 days, at some point the API server will have stale certificate (unless reloaded/restarted).

Then I found out about excellent GreenLock library. I think this is what I want but I need a bit of clarification.

  1. If I use the GreenLock library and point it to the existing certbot managed directory, will it just pick up the existing cert? Note that, there is a apache server running on port 80 to authenticate for those certificates.

  2. Will there be contention between the certboot and the Greenlock to renew the cert?

  3. Do I need to restart my API server for the reason of it recognising the renewed certs or the GreenLock makes the renewal transparent to NodeJS server?

Basically what I want is that the GreenLock just uses the certs from the store and let the certbot + apache manage the creation and renewal. Also when managed like that my NodeJS server continues to run and recognises the renewal.

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node.js - 将 greenlock-express 与 Web 套接字一起使用

寻找如何设置 HTTPS 与greenlock-express结合安全 websocket 服务器的示例。

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node.js - greenlock-express:TypeError:greenlock.app 不是函数

我正在尝试使用以下示例使用 greenlock-express 运行我的 Express.js:




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javascript - 在 Nodejs 中使用 greenlock-express 和 Express



