


我只想在 A 成功时执行 B。我怎么做?


1 回答 1


使用 Antrun Maven 插件解决了这个问题,其中 DELETE 操作设置为在集成后测试阶段运行,INSERT 操作设置为在预集成测试阶段运行并使用 ant-contrib 库。我已将 INSERT 操作放在 trycatch 块上。如果捕获到异常,则使用 DELETE 操作,然后构建失败。

这是 insertOperation.xml ant 脚本的代码示例(我不会放置“project”和“target”标签,但“target”名称是“dbunit-insert”):

// Classpath used is Maven's Test scope classpath    
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties" 

// Classpath used is Maven's Test scope classpath
<taskdef name="dbunit" classname="org.dbunit.ant.DbUnitTask"

        <dbunit driver="your.driver" url="your.database.url" 
                userid="your.database.username" password="your.database.password"

            <operation type="INSERT" src="src/main/resources/insertYourDataSet.flat" 

            // I know it has flat format as default but I define it so it won't
            // appear NULL on the console during the execution. And although
            // you can define the "transaction" parameter on "operation", it will 
            // only rollback the "operation" in which it is defined. This means
            // that if a second file is set for INSERT and you get a problem with it,
            // even setting the "transaction" parameter to "true" it won't rollback 
            // the first INSERT made.


        // XML with DELETE operations
        // This XML was created based on the inserted data
        // e.g.: if you insert a String with "abc", this will delete it
        // This works as a rollback for ALL INSERT operations
        // So, if you get a trouble on a second file
        // it grants that the first inserted dataset will be deleted.
        <ant antfile="src/main/resources/ant/deleteOperation.xml" 

        // This command will fail Maven build
        // print the message you've set and prevent it from running tests
        // that rely on the data you tried to insert

        <fail message="Failed build due to problem on an INSERT operation"/>

下面是 deleteOperation.xml ant 脚本的代码示例(我不会放置“project”和“target”标签,但“target”名称是“dbunit-delete”):

// Notice that I don't need the ant-contrib library
// That's because DELETE operations are simply ignored if the data
// doesn't exist.
// You won't need a trycatch block, so no ant-contrib here
<taskdef name="dbunit" classname="org.dbunit.ant.DbUnitTask"/>

        <dbunit driver="your.driver" url="your.database.url" 
                userid="your.database.username" password="your.database.password"

            <operation type="DELETE" src="src/main/resources/deleteYourDataSet.flat" 



于 2013-05-12T03:36:52.387 回答