
def func():
    print 'this is a function and not a method!!!'

class Test:
    def TestFunc(self):
        print 'this is Test::TestFunc method'


def get_callable_name(func):
    Returns the best available display name for the given function/callable.
    f_self = getattr(func, '__self__', None) or getattr(func, 'im_self', None)
    if f_self and hasattr(func, '__name__'):
        if isinstance(f_self, type):
            # class method
            clsname = getattr(f_self, '__qualname__', None) or f_self.__name__
            return '%s.%s' % (clsname, func.__name__)
        # bound method
        return '%s.%s' % (f_self.__class__.__name__, func.__name__)
    if hasattr(func, '__call__'):
        if hasattr(func, '__name__'):
            # function, unbound method or a class with a __call__ method
            return func.__name__
        # instance of a class with a __call__ method
        return func.__class__.__name__
    raise TypeError('Unable to determine a name for %s -- '
                    'maybe it is not a callable?' % repr(func))

def obj_to_ref(obj):
    Returns the path to the given object.
    ref = '%s:%s' % (obj.__module__, get_callable_name(obj))
        obj2 = ref_to_obj(ref)
        if obj != obj2:
            raise ValueError
    except Exception:
        raise ValueError('Cannot determine the reference to %s' % repr(obj))
    return ref

def ref_to_obj(ref):
    Returns the object pointed to by ``ref``.
    if not isinstance(ref, basestring):
        raise TypeError('References must be strings')
    if not ':' in ref:
        raise ValueError('Invalid reference')
    modulename, rest = ref.split(':', 1)
        obj = __import__(modulename)
    except ImportError:
        raise LookupError('Error resolving reference %s: '
                          'could not import module' % ref)
        for name in modulename.split('.')[1:] + rest.split('.'):
            obj = getattr(obj, name)
        return obj
    except Exception:
        raise LookupError('Error resolving reference %s: '
                          'error looking up object' % ref)

上述函数 -obj_to_ref返回给定函数对象的文本引用,并ref_to_obj返回给定文本引用的对象。例如,让我们试试这个func功能。

>>> func
<function func at 0xb7704924>
>>> obj_to_ref(func)
>>> ref_to_obj('__main__:func')
<function func at 0xb7704924>

func功能工作正常。但是当尝试在 的实例上使用这些函数时class Test,它无法获得文本引用。

>>> t = Test()
>>> t
<__main__.Test instance at 0xb771b28c>
>>> t.TestFunc
<bound method Test.TestFunc of <__main__.Test instance at 0xb771b28c>>
>>> obj_to_ref(t.TestFunc)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 11, in obj_to_ref
ValueError: Cannot determine the reference to <bound method Test.TestFunc of <__main__.Test instance at 0xb771b28c>>




>>> t.TestFunc
<bound method Test.TestFunc of <__main__.Test instance at 0xb771b28c>>




2 回答 2


正如我在上面的评论中所说,问题出在get_callable_name. get_callable_name(t.TestFunc)显然'Test.TestFunc'是错误的。它应该是“t.TestFunc”。我添加variable_name_in_module并使用了它get_callable_name,现在代码可以工作了。底部的支票返回True。但是,variable_name_in_module这非常hackish,我找不到干净利落的方法。

如果你只需要它来处理小东西,那么这应该没问题,但请注意,variable_name_in_module每次调用都会导致 N 字典查找,get_callable_name其中 N 是模块中的变量数。


def variable_name_in_module(module, var):
    for name in dir(module):
        if getattr(module, name) == var:
            return name

def get_callable_name(func):
    Returns the best available display name for the given function/callable.
    f_self = getattr(func, '__self__', None) or getattr(func, 'im_self', None)
    if f_self and hasattr(func, '__name__'):
        if isinstance(f_self, type):
            # class method
            clsname = getattr(f_self, '__qualname__', None) or f_self.__name__
            return '%s.%s' % (clsname, func.__name__)
        # bound method
        return '%s.%s' % (variable_name_in_module(__import__(f_self.__module__), f_self), func.__name__)
    if hasattr(func, '__call__'):
        if hasattr(func, '__name__'):
            # function, unbound method or a class with a __call__ method
            return func.__name__
        # instance of a class with a __call__ method
        return func.__class__.__name__
    raise TypeError('Unable to determine a name for %s -- '
                    'maybe it is not a callable?' % repr(func))

def obj_to_ref(obj):
    Returns the path to the given object.
    ref = '%s:%s' % (obj.__module__, get_callable_name(obj))
        obj2 = ref_to_obj(ref)
        if obj != obj2:
            raise ValueError
    except Exception:
        raise ValueError('Cannot determine the reference to %s' % repr(obj))
    return ref

def ref_to_obj(ref):
    Returns the object pointed to by ``ref``.
    if not isinstance(ref, basestring):
        raise TypeError('References must be strings')
    if not ':' in ref:
        raise ValueError('Invalid reference')
    modulename, rest = ref.split(':', 1)
        obj = __import__(modulename)
    except ImportError:
        raise LookupError('Error resolving reference %s: '
                          'could not import module' % ref)
        for name in modulename.split('.')[1:] + rest.split('.'):
            obj = getattr(obj, name)
        return obj
    except Exception:
        raise LookupError('Error resolving reference %s: '
                          'error looking up object' % ref)

class Test:
    def TestFunc(self):
        print "test"

t = Test()
print t.TestFunc == ref_to_obj(obj_to_ref(t.TestFunc))

编辑: PS:variable_name_in_module如果找不到任何东西,可能应该抛出异常,尽管我不知道这是怎么发生的。

于 2013-02-19T23:12:09.153 回答




    obj2 = ref_to_obj(ref)
    print 'obj != obj2  : ',obj != obj2
    if obj != obj2:
        raise ValueError
except Exception:
    raise ValueError('Cannot determine the reference to %s' % repr(obj))
return ref




决定这一点的秘密步骤是在get_callable_name()所说的函数中。 因为is并且有一个名字 (TestFunc) 但不是一个类型的类(因为是一个实例) , 所以指令被执行。
return '%s.%s' % (f_self.__class__.__name__, X.__name__)



问题是,对于一个类(具有一个属性__name__)来说,Python 语言中没有任何东西可以按需提供实例的名称:一个实例与一个类的属性不同__name__,这会给实例的名称。




多亏了 like 表达式,我们调用方法这一事实t.TestFunc导致相信TestFunc属于实例。实际上它属于类,Python 从一个实例到它的类来查找方法。


类实例具有作为字典实现的命名空间,这是搜索属性引用的第一个位置。如果在那里找不到属性,并且实例的类具有该名称的属性,则使用类属性继续搜索。如果发现类属性是用户定义的函数对象或未绑定的用户定义的方法对象,其关联类是为其启动属性引用的实例的类(称为 C)或其基之一,它转化为im_class属性为C,im_self属性为实例的绑定用户自定义方法对象。



<bound method Test.TestFunc of <__main__.Test instance at 0x011D8DC8>>
方法 TestFunc 不在的命名空间中t:结果t.__dict__{ }

我只是想指出这一点,因为该函数get_callable_name()仅复制和模仿 Python 的明显行为和实现。


在下面的代码中,我通过使用 istruction
return '%s.%s' % ('t', X.__name__)而不是
return '%s.%s' % (f_self.__class__.__name__, func.__name__) or
return '%s.%s' % (variable_name_in_module(__import__(f_self.__module__), f_self), func.__name__)

def get_callable_name(X):
    Returns the best available display name for the given function/callable.
    print '- inside get_callable_name()'
    print '  object X arriving in get_callable_name() :\n    ',X
    f_self = getattr(X, '__self__', None) or getattr(X, 'im_self', None) 
    print '  X.__call__ ==',X.__call__  
    print '  X.__name__ ==',X.__name__
    print '\n  X.__self__== X.im_self ==',f_self
    print '  isinstance(%r, type)  is  %r' % (f_self,isinstance(f_self, type))
    if f_self and hasattr(X, '__name__'): # it is a method
        if isinstance(f_self, type):
            # class method
            clsname = getattr(f_self, '__qualname__', None) or f_self.__name__
            return '%s.%s' % (clsname, X.__name__)
        # bound method
        print '\n  f_self.__class__          ==',f_self.__class__
        print '  f_self.__class__.__name__ ==',f_self.__class__.__name__
        return '%s.%s' % ('t', X.__name__)
    if hasattr(X, '__call__'):
        if hasattr(X, '__name__'):
            # function, unbound method or a class with a __call__ method
            return X.__name__
        # instance of a class with a __call__ method
        return X.__class__.__name__
    raise TypeError('Unable to determine a name for %s -- '
                    'maybe it is not a callable?' % repr(X))

def obj_to_ref(obj):
    Returns the path to the given object.
    print '- obj arriving in obj_to_ref :\n  %r' % obj

    ref = '%s:%s' % (obj.__module__, get_callable_name(obj))

    return ref

def ref_to_obj(ref):
    Returns the object pointed to by ``ref``.
    print '- ref arriving in ref_to_obj == %r' % ref

    if not isinstance(ref, basestring):
        raise TypeError('References must be strings')
    if not ':' in ref:
        raise ValueError('Invalid reference')
    modulename, rest = ref.split(':', 1)

        obj = __import__(modulename)
    except ImportError:
        raise LookupError('Error resolving reference %s: '
                          'could not import module' % ref)

    print '  we start with dictionary obj == ',obj
        for name in modulename.split('.')[1:] + rest.split('.'):
            print '  object of name ',name,' searched in',obj
            obj = getattr(obj, name)
            print '  got obj ==',obj
        return obj
    except Exception:
        raise LookupError('Error resolving reference %s: '
                          'error looking up object' % ref)

class Test:
    def TestFunc(self):
        print 'this is Test::TestFunc method'

t = Test()

print 't ==',t

print '\nt.TestFunc ==',t.TestFunc

print "getattr(t,'TestFunc') ==",getattr(t,'TestFunc')

print ('\nTrying to obtain reference of t.TestFunc\n'

print '- REF = obj_to_ref(t.TestFunc)  done'
REF = obj_to_ref(t.TestFunc)
print '\n- REF obtained: %r' % REF

print ("\n\nVerifying what is ref_to_obj(REF)\n"
    print '- obj2 = ref_to_obj(REF)  done'
    obj2 = ref_to_obj(REF)
    if obj2 != t.TestFunc:
        raise ValueError
except Exception:
        raise ValueError('Cannot determine the object of reference %s' % REF)
print '\n- object obtained : ',obj2


t == <__main__.Test instance at 0x011DF5A8>

t.TestFunc == <bound method Test.TestFunc of <__main__.Test instance at 0x011DF5A8>>
getattr(t,'TestFunc') == <bound method Test.TestFunc of <__main__.Test instance at 0x011DF5A8>>

Trying to obtain reference of t.TestFunc
- REF = obj_to_ref(t.TestFunc)  done
- obj arriving in obj_to_ref :
  <bound method Test.TestFunc of <__main__.Test instance at 0x011DF5A8>>
- inside get_callable_name()
  object X arriving in get_callable_name() :
     <bound method Test.TestFunc of <__main__.Test instance at 0x011DF5A8>>
  X.__call__ == <method-wrapper '__call__' of instancemethod object at 0x011DB990>
  X.__name__ == TestFunc

  X.__self__== X.im_self == <__main__.Test instance at 0x011DF5A8>
  isinstance(<__main__.Test instance at 0x011DF5A8>, type)  is  False

  f_self.__class__          == __main__.Test
  f_self.__class__.__name__ == Test

- REF obtained: '__main__:t.TestFunc'

Verifying what is ref_to_obj(REF)
- obj2 = ref_to_obj(REF)  done
- ref arriving in ref_to_obj == '__main__:t.TestFunc'
  we start with dictionary obj ==  <module '__main__' (built-in)>
  object of name  t  searched in <module '__main__' (built-in)>
  got obj == <__main__.Test instance at 0x011DF5A8>
  object of name  TestFunc  searched in <__main__.Test instance at 0x011DF5A8>
  got obj == <bound method Test.TestFunc of <__main__.Test instance at 0x011DF5A8>>

- object obtained :  <bound method Test.TestFunc of <__main__.Test instance at 0x011DF5A8>>
于 2013-02-19T23:28:38.683 回答