To get flash to sit behind html elements on a page I read that I have to add this inside the object tag:

<param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> 

And this to the embed tag:


Is it necessary to add both? Because in FF I got it to work with just the second, just wondering if that may cause issues in other browsers and devices.

What is the rationale behind "0xHHHHHHHH" formatted Microsoft error codes?

Why does Microsoft tend to report "error codes" as hexadecimal values?

Error codes are 32-bit double word values (4 byte values.) This is likely the raw integer return code of whatever C-style function has reported an error.

However, why report the error to a user in hexadecimal? The "0x" prefix is worthless, and the savings in character length is minimal. These errors end up displayed to end users in Microsoft software and even on Microsoft websites.

For example:

  • 0x80302010 is 10 characters long, and very cryptic.
  • 2150637584 is the decimal equivalent, and much more user friendly.

Is there any description of the "standard" use of a 32-bit field as an error code mechanism (possibly dividing the field into multiple fields for developer interpretation) or of the logic behind presenting a hexadecimal code to end users?


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于 2012-04-03T20:45:14.923 回答