问题标签 [angular-http-interceptors]

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javascript - AngularJS Authentication + RESTful API

Angular+RESTful Client-side Communication w/ API for Auth/(re)Routing

This has been covered in a few different questions, and in a few different tutorials, but all of the previous resources I've encountered don't quite hit the nail on the head.

In a nut-shell, I need to

  • Login via POST from http://client.foo to http://api.foo/login
  • Have a "logged in" GUI/component state for the user that provides a logout route
  • Be able to "update" the UI when the user logs out / logs out. This has been the most frustrating
  • Secure my routes to check for authenticated-state (should they need it) and redirect the user to the login page accordingly

My issues are

  • Every time I navigate to a different page, I need to make the call to api.foo/status to determine whether or not user is logged in. (ATM I'm using Express for routes) This causes a hiccup as Angular determines things like ng-show="user.is_authenticated"
  • When I successfully login/logout, I need to refresh the page (I don't want to have to do this) in order to populate things like {{user.first_name}}, or in the case of logging out, empty that value out.

What I've tried

Why I feel like I'm losing my mind

  • It seems as though every tutorial relies on some database (lots of Mongo, Couch, PHP+MySQL, ad infinitum) solution, and none rely purely on communication with a RESTful API to persist logged-in states. Once logged in, additional POSTs/GETs are sent with withCredentials:true, so that's not the issue
  • I cannot find ANY examples/tutorials/repos that do Angular+REST+Auth, sans a backend language.

I'm not too proud

Admittedly, I'm new to Angular, and would not be surprised if I'm approaching this in a ridiculous way; I'd be thrilled if someone suggest an alternative—even if it's soup-to-nuts.

I'm using Express mostly because I really love Jade and Stylus— I'm not married to the Express' routing and will give it up if what I want to do is only possible with Angular's routing.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide. And please don't ask me to Google it, because I have about 26 pages of purple links. ;-)

1This solution relies on Angular's $httpBackend mock, and it's unclear how to make it talk to a real server.

2This was the closest, but since I have an existing API I need to authenticate with, I could not use passport's 'localStrategy', and it seemed insane to write an OAUTH service...that only I intended to use.

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angularjs - 将 $route 注入 http 拦截器

我正在尝试将自定义标头注入每个 API 请求。当我提供一些硬编码文本时,它可以工作。




未捕获的错误:[$injector:cdep] 找到循环依赖项:$route <- $http http://errors.angularjs.org/1.2.3/ $injector/cdep?p0=%24route%20%3C-%20% 24http

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javascript - 拦截器不工作

我试图在 AngularJS 中制作一个拦截器。我对 AngularJS 很陌生,发现了一些 Interceptor 的例子,但无法让它工作。

在这里,我有我的 app.js 文件,其中包含所有相关代码。我还有一个控制器,它调用 REST api 并返回 JSONP。


用 app.factory 创建 Interceptor 有错吗?

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angularjs - 在Angular中禁用/删除http拦截器的正确方法?

我按照这篇文章在一个项目上实现了一个类似的 ajax 加载器图像:


  • 我使用$rootScopetoemit和 not broadcast,我也使用$rootScopeon 指令来处理事件。
  • 由于项目的特殊性,我必须$rootScope.$on在事件处理程序内的第一个事件被触发(显示或隐藏)之后立即取消绑定指令侦听器。
  • 我只触发一个显示/隐藏事件。在第一个 HTTP 请求时显示,当计数达到 0 时隐藏。



$httpProvider在触发第一个隐藏事件后,删除我添加到的 HTTP 拦截器的正确方法是什么?

我知道我们使用 a 添加拦截器,$httpProvider.interceptors.push()但是当我不再需要该拦截器时,我不确定如何将其弹出。

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javascript - 微风使用角度 $http 拦截器

我使用有角度的 $http 拦截器来检查 ajax 请求是否返回 401(未经过身份验证)。如果响应为 401,则原始请求排队,显示登录表单,登录成功后,它会重试排队的请求。这已经适用于 $http,角度拦截器的来源是:

如何使用这个有角度的 $http 拦截器发出微风请求?

Breeze 在“Breeze/Adapters/breeze.ajax.angular.js”文件中为 angular $http 服务提供了一个包装器。所以第一个想法是告诉微风使用它:

调试angular.js,显示现在brief实际上使用了$http,但是并没有执行上面注册的拦截器。在 $http 中,有一个数组“reversedInterceptors”,它保存了注册的拦截器。我将此数组记录到控制台。如果我使用 $http,这个数组的长度是 1(如预期的那样),但是当用微风发出请求时,这个数组是空的。

问题是,我如何在微风请求中使用这个 $http 拦截器?

这是breeze.ajax.angular.js 的代码,由微风提供

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angularjs-directive - How to make the http interceptor spinner smart?

I am using http interceptor directive to load the spinner and here is my script code:

and in HTML i am calling the div like this with the required CSS

What I want to make this spinner smart. I don't want to display the spinner on every small http call. So if my request if really small and it takes some milliseconds, I don't want to display the spinner. I want to add a delay time to the spinner.. let say 2 second. So if the request it taking more than 2 second this spinner should show up otherwise I don't want to display it. Can someone help me to find the solution for this? I have tried https://github.com/ajoslin/angular-promise-tracker but seems like doesn't work for me.

Can someone help me to make it smarter please?

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angularjs - 在 angularjs 中创建 requestCounter 服务

我正在努力做到这一点,以便我可以将“requestCounter”添加到任何控制器并获得一个随着请求数量不断更新的值。拦截器代码正在工作,但是注入 requestCounter 提供的值始终是{count: 0}. 我不明白什么!



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angularjs - 从 'response' 拒绝到 'responseError'

200 ok有时,即使出现错误,我使用的 API 也会返回。响应 JSON 对象将类似于:

我已经构建了一个 $httpresponse拦截器,它只是检查这个错误并拒绝它。我希望它然后跳入我的responseError功能:




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angularjs - 如何根据自身配置Angular中的$http服务?

我正在尝试配置$httpAngular 的服务,以在状态码为 403 时重定向到 URL。

到目前为止没有问题,但是要重定向到的 URL 来自服务器,通过正在使用的服务$http(显然)。


此代码在 Angular 中创建循环依赖项(错误)。

有没有一种方法可以做到这一点,具有来自服务器的动态 URL,并基于此在response.status403 时将用户重定向到其中一个?

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asp.net-mvc - $httpProvider 拦截器如何读取所有标头

我有一个使用 $httpProvider 作为 follwos 的拦截器(取自 Angular 文档)

使用调试器,我看到每个响应都会调用此方法,当我查看传递的“响应”对象时,我只看到一个标头,即 Accept-Header,如下所示


当我查看 chrome 中的响应数据包时,我看到了更多标头

在 chrome 中看到的网络数据包


具体来说,我想读取 AntiforgeryToken 的 cookie 并存储它,我该怎么做?