I have developed a web application using internationalization best practices such as putting all my displayable strings in property files, etc, etc.

I would like to have the strings in the property files translated into 5 different languages.

Does anyone have any experience using Mechanical Turk or another crowd sourcing service for language translation?

The reason I don't want to just hire a translation company or service is because I want to eventually have ongoing content fed into the translation service via an API.

My Google results for more information on this topic were surprisingly dismal. Any links or pointers are appreciated.


2 回答 2



于 2009-05-07T19:54:40.283 回答

我没有任何众包翻译的经验,但我的建议是找到一些可靠的目标语言自由译者(查看 Proz.com),并在每次有新内容时继续找他们。众所周知,由于资源文件中缺乏上下文,应用程序 UI 难以本地化,因此您需要了解应用程序并能够/愿意测试本地化版本的人。每个本地化无疑也会揭示 i18n 错误,因此第一次可能会有一些来回。我想我的意思是你不希望与你的翻译人员保持一定距离。他们应该感觉像是您团队的延伸。


于 2008-12-13T13:10:25.120 回答