I'm desperately (hours of research and no luck so far) trying to create a PHP page which can be used as a path for video embedding. I'm doing this so that I can give out a path to 3rd parties, that they can use for embedding, which won't change, even if I have to host the video elsewhere.

I've tried using the code referenced here... Reading mp4 files with PHP

... but it doesn't work at all for me.

The video files will be hosted on a CDN and 3rd parties will need fixed links that they can embed on their own sites like:

    <div data-swf="$resourcePath/resources/flowplayer.commercial-5.4.3/flowplayer.swf" class="flowplayer is-splash play-button" data-ratio="0.5625">
            <source type="video/mp4" src="http://www.mycdndomain.com/embed/loader.php?v=1"/>

Thanks in advance. -Josh


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