I am running an Ubuntu 11.10 server, CUDA-5.0 with a GTX480 on it. I am trying to run the visual profiler remotely by using Xming and Cygwin/X on Windows 8. I can successfully run xclocks, but when I try to launch /usr/local/cuda-5.0/bin/nvvp from the putty command line, it just silently exits without any errors or warnings.

I installed the default config of Cygwin/X with xorg-server, xinit and openssh packages. Do I need any more packages?

I do not want to use the command line profiler as I need the global load/store efficiency, replay and DRAM utilization, which are much more visible in the visual profiler.

Has anyone tried this before? I would appreciate any help.


2 回答 2


它可能(可能)需要 Xming 中不可用的 X 扩展(或者可能需要 Xming 的替代配置)。您也可以尝试 cygwin 并在无根模式下运行“真实”X。

您还可以在 X 协议退出之前调试它以查看它要求(而不是得到)的内容。也许是 3d 加速,或者一些后备存储设置等。

于 2013-05-22T18:34:54.317 回答

NVVP 需要可能未安装在服务器系统上的 GTK+(和一些其他库)。

于 2013-05-22T23:42:09.423 回答